Other times you know exactly what you've been waiting for, but it's hard to tell when the right timing will align with everything else in your life.
Back in November, I totally checked out from blogging. I stayed online through my Instagram account, but I was burned out from blogging, updating, sharing, etc., etc., etc.
I decided to wait until I was interested again. Or maybe until I was interesting again. Just kidding; I did tons of stuff this year, too, like always!
I had some moments of photo gallery blogs to keep a base update going. My sister, Lindsay, continued posting her incredible Live Well series. I don't know what I would have done without her effort and expertise this year to give my blog life.
My last six months have been characterized by both of these kinds of "wait times," and I'm thrilled to announce that the wait is over.
I'm not going to binge blog like I used to because that's what made me feel like a robot churning out information. My website has always been about my experiences and stories, not for the Travel Channel. I needed to learn that again, absorb it, and return to the blog with fresh words.
I am much more passionate about the connection between sports and living abroad. The traveling that happens along the way is just a bonus.
I have two exciting announcements!!!
1. My Dingolfing 4th division volleyball team finished in 2nd place! This was cool enough, in and of itself, but then we just found out this week that the 3rd division needed an extra team and we have been bumped up a league!

This can happen sometimes, but it's never something that can be counted on in advance. We did work hard to get 2nd place, and with a little bit of extra luck, we have been rewarded in the best way possible!
You can enjoy some of the game photos and our best match of the season.
Oh, and I suppose the second part of the first announcement is that I am indeed returning to play in Dingolfing for at least two more seasons!!!
2. I have started a new job! My next post will detail this in a much more in-depth way, but here's the why and how of it. I have been keeping my ear to the ground (waiting, waiting, waiting) for a location-independent job that only needs an internet connection. This is incredibly important for me as I am now relying on Marc's basketball jobs for wherever we will live. With this new work, I have full location flexibility.
But the best part of it is that it's what I am most passionate about: sports and living abroad.
You can check out my staff bio at Elite Volley, and see if you're interested in any of the services we have to offer. Next post will have all the info, so you can stay tuned for that as well.
Want to see how I got the job? Be warned: the main requirement was to be creative!
(Special thanks to the many friends who contributed to this video!!!)
That's the main news from Swags! I'm embarking on my giant trip of the year on Monday. We are doing the USA a little bit different this year, going through Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida. Then I head back to France to visit friends in Paris and the south, play some volleyball in Annecy, and end in Switzerland before taking the train back to Vilsbiburg in June!
Instagram will, of course, have all that insanity on it, and I will be updating the site in a much more reasonable manner now, too.
I will also be back-posting some of my adventures from this year as I have time during the summer. These will include my days spent in Milan, Lake Como, Baden-Baden, Hallstatt, and a whole lot of Salzburg. There were also many wonderful moments with our friends here in Vilsbiburg and Landshut, as the day-to-day life continues to support and enrich our world here.
If you're reading this, that means you've stuck around, so thank you for that. I guess we can say that, in the end, it looks like we are all going to get what we have been waiting for.
Check back in the next few days for the Elite Volley post!