March 14, 2020

Week 1: Home Volleyball Workouts

Or "Home Volleyball Workouts During CoVid-19 AKA The Unprecedented Off-Year."

Hey Leute.

So basically, in just a couple of days since we've all been ushered into the Zombie Apocalypse, I've got sad and bored volleyball players who need something to do.

I know -- trust me, I KNOW (I changed my entire life for this) -- that a main reason we love volleyball is because of the team dynamic and our teammates. Practicing and playing games are fun because we are working together toward a common goal, pushing and supporting each other, all the while wearing The Winter Bikini (AKA volleyball uniforms).

ANYWAY, here are links, ideas, and all the ways I have trained in the off-seasons. By myself. In my house. For at least 15 off-seasons. So, if you REALLY miss volleyball, and at least have a medium-sized sports ball (soccer balls, basketballs, and even handballs can suffice) in your home, just commit to these training ideas, and you'll get a semi-pro contract next season!

[OK, maybe it won't work as well as it did for me, but these ideas will keep you up to speed and you'll be working on fine-tuning and be ready when practices do start again. ;)]

See Pro Player Timeline posts and go straight to summer info.

The key to working out at home is creativity and resourcefulness. Start looking around your house for actual athletic equipment you do already have (jump rope, Theraband, exercise ball, foam roller, yoga mat, hand weights, medicine ball, etc.).

Then take another look. Canned food, stretchy belts, heavy boots/shoes, water bottles, towels, even FURNITURE. Anything that could be substituted for its sport variation can achieve nearly the same effect and results. Oh yes, and have you ever heard of STAIRS?

If you want specific core, arm, or leg workouts you can do at home, please message me directly via Instagram. If enough of you message me, I will probably make another post for those kinds of home workouts.


Here are 2 Yoga routines that I've used with my 
Dritte Liga team targeting shoulders, back, hips, and knees. 
We didn't have any injuries during that season and got 1st place!

Setting Circuit 

(Make it more challenging by doing the repetitions in a row. 
So if you mess up, start over at 0.)
See another variation HERE.

20 forward/backward hip circles: see video
5 elevators: while continually setting small sets, start standing up 
and transition to laying down and back up to standing to count 1.
50 wall sets + 50 on left foot + 50 on right foot
50 1s-3s (Auf - Schuß) against the wall: set a 1 (short set) 
to yourself, then a 3 direct against the wall.
20 wall setting sit-ups: set continually against
a wall while also doing sit-ups, see video.
50 front-under: see video
50 scissors: see video
5 elevators combined with front-under & scissors

*You can imitate several of these same wall exercises with forearm passing.*
*Setters should be setting 500-1000 sets per day.*

Ball control activities can be "boring," but every correct contact invested makes a huge difference on the court. Any great player will tell you that they do the same things over and over again. Tens of thousands of times. It's not boring when you understand the repetition is an investment in perfecting your game performance. So be mature about your love for the game and get your reps in when nobody is watching or pushing you.
Push yourself if you truly want to be great.
For serving/attacking, practice movements with throwing a tennis ball into the wall and ground at different angles.

Footwork Circuit 

(please message via Instagram for more details)

2x10 lateral forward/backward jumps
3x20 line reach jumps
2x3x6 base to 1-step block no-jump (1/A/ß)
2x3x6 base to 3-step block no-jump (2/4/S)
3x3x4 base to 1-step block, land to open (1/A/ß)
3x3x4 base to 3-step block, land to open (2/4/S)

Jump Circuit 1

(set under 1 min/30 sec rest/3 sets)

10 step squat jumps
5 burpees
6 standing jumps
7 sumo squats
8 scissor jumps
9 3-count jumps

Jump Circuit 2

(set under 2 min/45 sec rest/3 sets)

20 squat jumps
20 1-leg step hops (Left & Right)
20 quick jumps (Front & Back, Left & Right)
10 max block touches
5 approaches x 3 (normal, attack cross body, attack away body)
*with 1 kg weights or even canned food is best!


For all of my daily updates during the CoVid-19 quarantine, please click here.