I don't know if I can ever adequately express just how much it meant to me that you were both able to come visit us. Thank you. I know "traveling" does not come as naturally to you as it does to me, but you both took everything in stride and I know you worked hard to be positive and open to enjoying your time here.
I am so, so thankful we were able to experience Salzburg and The Sound of Music Tour together. Obviously, that movie was a huge part of our home life, and has extended into our adulthood with sweet memories, especially when Lindsay had "Edelweiss" playing as Dad walked her down the aisle at her wedding. Thank you for wanting to spend that kind of musical day with me.
Mom, thank you for trusting me with the plan to visit Dresden. I can't count how many cities I have gone to and wished I could bring you with me, but it was absolutely wonderful to get to take you to Dresden first. I hope we have more chances for mother-daughter trips like that, and maybe Lindsay can join us, too, someday.
Thank you both for appreciating our little corners of life in Vilsbiburg, Dingolfing, Landshut, and Munich. You got to see so much of where we go, what we do, and who we are with -- that meant a lot to us, to our friends here, and I think it meant a lot to you guys as well.
Finally, thank you for coming to my practices and games, whether I was a coach or a player. You guys are the reason I ever was introduced to volleyball; you paid for and supported my career all throughout growing up, and to get to share more volleyball moments with you -- all these years later -- is such a blessing and privilege. I'm sorry my team couldn't quite get the wins while you were here, but it was such an honor to have my parents in the stands there with me.
It's like every season that passes, I am never totally sure if there will be another one, and I feel very lucky that I have been able to continue playing into my thirties and that both of you were able to experience this with me (and also Lindsay last season). Thank you for hanging out at the practices and cheering during the games. It may have seemed like a small gesture, but it was the best present I could have ever asked for.
It was unreal to have you here. Thank you for making the effort to be here.
I love you both very much, and I hope we can make this happen again someday.