Navigating Sports Abroad blog post.
Play Abroad 101 for the most accurate preparation in print.
The Pro Player Timeline: Daily
& The Pro Player Timeline: Weekly.
Beyond Athletic Podcast:
Everything is Possible with Jana Matiasovska
Pro sports are cyclical. What might be a frenzy of hiring in August right before the season starts can occur again in January at mid-season transfer periods. Players coming out of university eligibility are ready to go pro at different times, depending on graduating in December or May.

How you handle the months of your year will vary depending on if you are already signed and with your team or not signed with anyone yet. The first section of this post will deal with "When you are signed," and the second section of this post will give advice for what to do "When you are not signed yet."
Welcome to your new world! Do not expect anything to be handed to you, or for basic things to be easy. Athletes overseas need to take responsibility for their experiences abroad. Initiative is deciding for yourself to go make things happen. If we are always waiting around for the teammate who can translate, or to borrow the club car to go somewhere, we will never do anything. Just start exploring and finding the answers for yourself.
Believe it or not, you have been preparing for these moments your entire life. You also have Google. Figure out the public transportation. Sound hilarious in another language and ask the locals for help finding different places. Try new foods at the supermarket and in restaurants. Be resourceful with your living space, making tables from suitcases and chairs from boxes, if you have to. Always try to find the solutions on your own before playing the foreigner in distress card. Your club and teammates will always appreciate a pro player who can take care of themselves and make the most of their time abroad.
More inspiration here >>> Live Well 2019: September
When you have already signed...
Create a healthy daily routine for yourself as quickly as possible.Activate your home internet and get a local cell phone plan (usually way cheaper than international plans).
Work on integrating the local language into your day-to-day activities.
Do your best to rock preseason practices and scrimmages. Every day is a tryout and poor performances this early in the season are cause for being sent home early.
Network locally with sponsors, fans, and new friends.
Find your bank, grocery store, train/bus station, places to eat, etc.
Plan ahead for keeping in touch with loved ones back home.
When you are not signed yet...
If you are going to take the trip abroad on your own, now is the time to buy the plane tickets and finalize the travel plan.If you can’t afford to travel to find your sports job, then find a temporary job at home, ideally working in sports so you can continue training. It’s important to let the people you are working with know that you could literally up and leave within two days of finding out you have a job overseas!
Start your own blog or website (I recommend using WordPress as an easy and free option) as another angle to generating interest and building your following.