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Beyond Athletic Podcast:
Mastering Your Fate & Captaining Your Soul with Carly Wopat
Pro sports are cyclical. What might be a frenzy of hiring in August right before the season starts can occur again in January at mid-season transfer periods. Players coming out of university eligibility are ready to go pro at different times, depending on graduating in December or May.
How you handle the months of your year will vary depending on if you are already signed and with your team or not signed with anyone yet. The first section of this post will deal with "When you are signed," and the second section of this post will give advice for what to do "When you are not signed yet."
You're going to need a healthy dose of both courage and optimism in August! If you have a contract ready to go, you are stepping into a whole new world of unknowns. Be brave and positive, and open to this new grand experience!
If you are still waiting for a contract, guess what? You still need a ton of courage and optimism! It can get tiresome to keep explaining to your family and friends at home that you're "waiting for the right contract," and "something will come up." But it's up to you to keep your dream alive, realizing that at any moment from August through Christmas, you could be packing up your things to finish out a season somewhere.
We need courage to put our dream to be a professional athlete out there, and the optimism that our hard work will pay off is what fuels our courage everyday! Keep all the fears and negativity far away from your mind and heart in August; if a professional athlete is what you are really meant to become, all of these ups and downs are simply part of your story. The waiting only makes the signed contract that much sweeter!
More inspiration here >>> Live Well 2019: August
When you have already signed...
Detail your Goals & Vision for the next month, year, and five years.Prepare yourself and your suitcases to "move" your entire life into usually just two bags.
Start packing at least two weeks before flight date.
Continue social media posts and networking! ALWAYS!
Be working out at 100% mid-season condition to be able to start pre-season practices in your top condition.
When you are not signed yet...
Figure out where you may fit best in your sport abroad. Not everyone can get "paid to play." If you have been working for a few months to hire an agent or find a team that will pay you and haven't had any hits, it is time to consider your other options.
You can definitely still find a team to play for, but maybe while you study or work another job. This free eBook can help with coming up with ideas: 8 Steps to Move Abroad Now.
Consider planning a trip to the most concentrated area of your sport abroad for the fall so you can attend practices and find a team you can join.
Reconnect with at least 3-5 pro players who have already signed in the areas you’d like to visit and see if you can stay with them if you end up taking a trip on your own.