January 1, 2017

Live Well: January

Welcome to this installment of the Live Well series provided by my very own sister, Lindsay Wampler. I may be a traveling expat athlete, but I really haven't explored the health and fitness aspects of that world on this website - which is where Lindsay comes in. 

Lindsay is a 28-year-old occupational therapy grad student in Southern California and health and fitness coach. Her family consists of her wonderful husband, Justin, two dogs, and two cats. They both strive to live well through healthy eating and exercising, and I am very thankful that Lindsay is happy to share her expertise with us each month! 

Be sure to check back the first of each month to see what Lindsay's Live Well advice is, and please feel free to share her wisdom with your family and friends!


Fresh start. Clean slate. New beginnings. Happy January!

Are you one for New Year's Resolutions? There are endless possibilities of goals you can reach this year! What is on your mind? I'd love to hear in the comments below!

Beverage Boost

Try this healthy alternative for a New Year's Day celebratory drink!

New Year's Mango Mojito Mocktail
Serves 4

32 oz. sparkling water
1 mango
Handful of mint sprigs (about 10-15)
1 lime, sliced

Juice mango and mint through an electric juicer*. Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour juice into glasses and top with sparkling water. Garnish with a slice of lime and extra mint leaves. Cheers!

*If you do not have a juicer, you can add to a blender or food processor to create the juice, making sure to peel the mango before blending.

Workout of the Month

Healthy Eating Recipe

Vegetable broth
Broth seasoning (I use McKay's Chicken-Style Instant Broth and Seasoning, which is vegetarian)
Various vegetables: Carrots, broccoli, potatoes, cauliflower, onions, garlic, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.
Veggie meat substitutes, if desired (I use Worthington Saucettes and MorningStar Farms Bacon Strips, which are both vegetarian)
You can also add beans, rice, lentils, etc.

Heat water* and vegetable broth in large saucepan. At this point, you can either add in all seasonings or only a broth seasoning (McKay's Chicken-Style Instant Broth and Seasoning). Add vegetables that will take longer to cook first (i.e. carrots, broccoli, potatoes, ...). Add in vegetables that will take less time to cook shortly thereafter. Add in cooked beans, rice, and/or lentils, if using. (Alternative option is to start with cooking those in the pot initially, then add in everything else once those are cooked. You can also use pre-cooked options as well). Add seasonings (i.e. salt, pepper, basil, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cayenne, ...). Taste test to see if any flavors need to be altered.

The great thing about this recipe is the serving sizes all depend on what you need! Add more for more people; add less for less people! How easy is that?!

Bon appetit!

*Note that you will not be draining anything in this soup, so use the right amount of water for how large a pot of soup you want to make. You can always add more water later!

Essential Oils Mixology

Who wants to enjoy getting better sleep in 2017???

Nighty Night
3 drops Vetiver essential oil
3 drops Lavender essential oil
2 drops Frankincense essential oil

Fill home diffuser with distilled water. Add essential oils and nighty night!

About the Author

My name is Lindsay and I once was a Swagerty, too, but I now am a Wampler. I am a Christ-lover and am disciplined to live the life of my dreams! I suck at traveling because I am scared to fly, but I love to explore the cities around me and build a home I love to spend time in. I am a wife, mother of fur babies, occupational therapy graduate student, online health and fitness coach, and a sharer of my love for essential oils! I am also a lover of all things Disney!

You can find me on Facebookmy group page, and Instagram or reach me directly through my email at lindsayannwampler[at]gmail[dot]com. I would love to hear from you!

Let us know if you try any variations of these delicious recipes, challenging workouts, or essential oils mixes in the comments below!!!