September 29, 2016

English Conversation: Week 1

I am posting all of my lesson plans from the English Conversation course I am teaching each week to adults in Vilsbiburg. The class lasts ninety minutes and will run for ten weeks. Each week will have a theme to focus the discussion, and the students' "homework" will be to bring a related item or topic to the class the next week. I will also review my plans to let you know what worked and what didn't. I hope it will help you with your own teaching plans or even help you with your own English skills!

Lesson Plan

Week 1: 5 students
Objective: Establish English level for the rest of the course.
Theme: Introductions

Individual Introductions
Class Overview and Purpose
Partner Discussion and Presentation: Summer Activities
English Goals and Experiences
Idioms. Each student receives one idiom, define the idiom, then use in a sentence. Go through two rounds.
Game: Sentence Story. Each student adds one sentence to the story, go through two rounds. Students toss ball to next student of their choice.
Impromptu Topics. Each student receives a topic they are familiar with (based off of introductions) from instructor and must talk about it for thirty seconds from their seat.


I had no idea what the level of English would be like, but I am pleased to say all five of my students were able to communicate well with only minor errors. The idioms were all new to them and gave them things to take notes on and remember for next time. The Sentence Story game was hilarious and fun to listen to the Germans be a little bit silly talking about princes, princesses, and kingdoms. The students maybe pretended to be a bit nervous for the Impromptu Topics, but they all did totally fine. This was their introductory activity because usually I will have them speak in the front of the class to bolster their confidence in front of a group.

All in all, a great first hour and a half together, and now I know better how to direct their progress. Objective accomplished!