What's Up with GPSmyCity Travel Apps?
Maybe you've already downloaded the app and are familiar with the awesome walking tours and thousands of travel articles embedded into the apps. If you haven't yet, this is a great opportunity to get to know GPSmyCity for free.
Every basic individual city walking app can be downloaded for free, and upgraded within the app for a small fee. On top of that, each city has relevant travel articles that you can read and download for free. You can also access these great articles from the GPSmyCity website.
Each city travel article is embedded with GPS coordinates to the locations the author has been. These coordinates are unlocked and available offline to the reader for just $1.00.
This means you can download your favorite article and trace the steps of your favorite traveler for a price way lower than a cup of coffee - and definitely much cheaper than paying for a guided tour!
But FREE is even better than a dollar!
The best news is: this week (August 8 - 14) GPSmyCity and I are teaming up to give away three of my GPS-guiding travel article maps on iOS for FREE!
Just click on the link of the article you would like to download. If you don't already have the GPSmyCity app for that particular city, it will take you to the page for the free download. From there, you will be directed to the article and able to upgrade for the fully GPS-enabled article and ready for your adventure!
Thank you for downloading your free offline city guide(s)!
I hope your experiences with GPSmyCity will be as fun as mine have been!