What up? Not this blog recently, my apologies. And now, to bring you up to speed:
We won our most recent match in 3, making our record so far 3-1. We are currently in third place in our 12 team division, and looking to stay steady for the remainder of the first half of season.
Now that I am coaching in addition to playing, I don't have nearly as many opportunities to just take off and float around Europe - and that's okay. It's mainly okay because we live within a high-five of Paris and I will always find the thrill in that fact alone.
Coaching in French is one of the most challenging things I have ever had to do. It's an outrageous combination of mispronounced words, disarrayed phrasings, charades, Taboo, and Guesstures. Coaching in English will never be the same again because, frankly, it will be SO EASY.
The craziest situation on the table right now is my upcoming trip to LA for my Visa - yes, I'm coming back for a couple weeks, just in time for trick-or-treating. I keep winning all these free trips all over the world, so I just keep hopping on planes (Belgium, Hawaii, Paris, what's next?).
If you have legs and a personality, and if you like free stuff and candy - oh wait, FREE CANDY, then the only question left is: who wants to trick-or-treat in Santa Clarita this year?
I'm only as old as I look, and just because I can still rock 17, doesn't mean you can't reach back with me. We wear costumes for a reason.
I guarantee 100+ pieces of candy, based on over 15 years of successful market research experience.
Bring your game face.